Online chat groups--Juvenile fiction; Kidnapping--Juvenile fiction; High school students--Juvenile fiction; Mormons--Juvenile fiction; Utah--Juvenile fiction
Six children keep Kate and Brad Thompson busy all day, every day. Between work, school, and church activities there isn’t much time for anything else. Having baby number seven might disrupt the family routine, but Kate isn’t worried about that. She is worried, however, about her oldest daughter, Jess, who has been more secretive of late. More distant. Kate’s hopes it’s just a phase. Fifteen is a tricky age, after all.
For Jess, being fifteen isn’t just tricky, sometimes it feels downright impossible. Between baby-sitting all the time, hating the gymnastics class Mom won’t let her quit, and trying to hold onto her best friend now that high school is pulling them in different directions, Jess feels totally overwhelmed, continually misunderstood, and completely alone. Until she meets Emily online. Emily listens, understands, and gives Jess confidence. Best of all, Emily introduces Jess to her cousin, Colt. Jess can’t date yet, but she and Colt can send long, personal e-mails to each other and he understands her better than anyone else in her life. When the unthinkable happens, and Jess disappears, Brad and Kate Thompson realize that they missed something--something big. How could this happen in their home? To their daughter? Most important, will Jess ever come home again?
[from publisher's website]