Book of Mormon--Juvenile fiction;Mormons--Juvenile fiction;Farm life--Iowa--Juvenile fiction;Great-aunts--Juvenile fiction
Twelve-year old Brandon is sure his summer vacation has been ruined when his parents drag him to the Midwestern farm of his mother's eccentric aunt. What the unhappy seventh grader hasn't counted on is Aunt Ella's ability to bring alive their daily reading of the Book of Mormon. From its pages she spins an intriguing game, turning her house, dairy farm and daily routines into a puzzle--a labyrinth that can be solved only by using clues taken from the scriptures.
Brandon's reward for solving the puzzle is to be a rare copy of the original edition of the Book of Mormon. But when a mysterious Dr. Anthony shows up and attempts to steal the valuable book, Brandon must use his newfound knowledge of the Book of Mormon to confront real dangers. [publisher's blurb]