Relationship |
Work |
Contributors |
Genre |
Adapted to |
2 Hour Book of Mormon |
Larry D. Anderson
Scripture |
Adapted to |
Abinadi |
Sherrie Johnson,
Tyler Lybbert
Adapted to |
Abinadi and King Noah |
Richard Rich
Adapted to |
A Captive King |
Mona W. Cannon
Short Story |
Reviewed in |
A Literary Critic Looks at the Book of Mormon |
Robert K. Thomas
Criticism |
Reviewed in |
All Things Which Have Been Given of God...Are the Typifying of Him |
Richard Dilworth Rust
Criticism |
Adapted to |
Alma and the Zoramites |
Richard Rich
Adapted to |
Alma at the Waters of Mormon |
Sherrie Johnson,
Tyler Lybbert
Adapted to |
Ammon and the Battle at Riplah |
David F. Clark
Fiction |
Adapted to |
An Adaptation of the Book of Mormon for Radio |
William Junior Lewis
Scripture |
Reviewed in |
An Introduction to the Book of Mormon |
Roy A. West
Criticism |
Adapted to |
A Plain English Reference to The Book of Mormon |
Timothy B. Wilson
Scripture |
Adapted to |
A Ship of Hagoth |
Julia A. MacDonald
Short Story |
Adapted to |
A Story of Zarahemla |
B. H. Roberts
Short Story |
Adapted to |
A Voice from the Dust: A Sacred History of Ancient Americans |
Genet Bingham Dee
Scripture |
Reviewed in |
Book of Mormon Compendium |
Sidney B. Sperry
Criticism |
Adapted to |
Book of Mormon (Deseret Alphabet) |
Joseph Smith Jr.
Scripture |
Adapted to |
Book of Mormon Stories |
George Q. Cannon
Scripture |
Adapted to |
Branches That Run Over the Wall |
Lula L. Greene Richards
Poetry |
Adapted to |
Corianton |
B. H. Roberts
Novel |
Translation in |
Das Buch Mormon |
John Taylor,
George Parker Dykes
Scripture |
Reviewed in |
Desirable Fruit |
Richard Dilworth Rust
Criticism |
Reviewed in |
Digging in Cumorah |
Mark Thomas
Criticism |
Adapted to |
Enos Prays |
Sherrie Johnson,
Tyler Lybbert
Reviewed in |
Feasting on the Word |
Richard Dilworth Rust
Criticism |
Adapted to |
Highlights of the Book of Mormon |
Lewis Henry Baker
Scripture |
Adapted to |
If You Were a Boy in the Time of the Nephites |
Pat Bagley,
Pat Bagley
Adapted to |
If You Were a Girl in the Time of the Nephites |
Pat Bagley,
Pat Bagley
Translation in |
Il Libro di Mormon |
Lorenzo Snow
Scripture |
Adapted to |
Illustrated Stories from the Book of Mormon |
Clinton F. Larson
Scripture |
Adapted to |
I, Nephi |
Robert H. Moss
Novel |
Adapted to |
In Olden Days |
Julia A. MacDonald
Short Story |
Adapted to |
In the Enemy's Camp |
David F. Clark
Fiction |
Adapted to |
Jared and His Brother |
Sherrie Johnson
Adapted to |
Jesus visits the Nephites |
Sherrie Johnson,
Tyler Lybbert
Translation in |
Ka Buke a Moramona |
George Q. Cannon
Scripture |
Reviewed in |
Liminality in the Book of Mormon |
Richard Dilworth Rust
Criticism |
Translation in |
Llyfr Mormon |
John Davis
Scripture |
Translation in |
Mormons Bog |
Peter Olsen Hansen
Scripture |
Adapted to |
Mulek of Zarahemla |
J. N. Washburn
Short Story |
Adapted to |
My First Book of Mormon Stories |
Deanna Draper Buck,
Jerry Harston
Children's Book |
Adapted to |
Nephi and Lehi in Prison |
Sherrie Johnson,
Tyler Lybbert
Adapted to |
Norman the Nephite's & Larry the Lamanite's Book of Mormon Time Line |
Pat Bagley,
Pat Bagley
Book of Mormon |
Adapted to |
"Other Sheep" |
Robert William Smith
Novel |
Reviewed in |
"Our Weakness in Writing" |
William Eggington
Criticism |
Reviewed in |
Prospects for the Study of the Book of Mormon as a Work of American Literature |
Douglas Wilson
Criticism |
Adapted to |
Reading the Book of Mormon in Plain English |
Timothy B. Wilson
Scripture |
Adapted to |
Signs and Wonders |
Gary T. Wright
Novel |
Reviewed in |
So Curious a Workmanship |
Richard Dilworth Rust
Criticism |
Adapted to |
Stories of the Book of Mormon |
Phil Dalby
Reviewed in |
Sweet is the Word |
Marilyn Arnold
Criticism |
Reviewed in |
Swords into Pruning Hooks |
Mark Thomas
Criticism |
Adapted to |
Tackinanny |
Lizzie O. Bergeson White,
Dianne Olivia White
Short Story |
Reviewed in |
Taste and Feast: Images of Eating and Drinking in the Book of Mormon |
Richard Dilworth Rust
Criticism |
Adapted to |
That I Were an Angel |
Robert H. Moss
Novel |
Adapted to |
The Abridger |
Robert H. Moss
Fiction |
Adapted to |
The Ammon Adventures |
David F. Clark
Fiction |
Adapted to |
The Book of Mormon |
Grant Hardy,
Joseph Smith Jr.
Scripture |
Reviewed in |
The Book of Mormon |
Franklin Stewart Harris
Criticism |
Reviewed in |
The Book of Mormon as Literature |
Evan Shute
Criticism |
Adapted to |
The Book of Mormon Movie |
Gary Rogers,
Gary Rogers,
David Hales,
Craig Clyde,
Gary Rogers,
Craig Clyde
Adapted to |
The Book of Mormon Story |
Mary Pratt Parrish,
Ronald Crosby
Scripture |
Adapted to |
The Bright Warrior |
Margery S. Stewart
Short Story |
Reviewed in |
The Dark Way to the Tree |
Bruce W. Jorgensen
Criticism |
Adapted to |
The First Mission |
David F. Clark
Fiction |
Adapted to |
The Gadiantons |
Elizabeth Rachel Cannon
Short Story |
Adapted to |
The Life of Nephi |
Shirl Clawson,
Chet Clawson,
W. A. Morton,
W. A. Morton
Adapted to |
The Life of Nephi, the Son of Lehi |
George Q. Cannon
Biography / Memoir |
Adapted to |
The Martyr |
Elizabeth Rachel Cannon
Short Story |
Adapted to |
The Nephiad |
Michael R. Collings
Poetry |
Adapted to |
The Nephite Shepherd |
Arthur V. Watkins
Short Story |
Reviewed in |
The Psalm of Nephi |
Steven P. Sondrup
Criticism |
Adapted to |
The Testaments of One Fold and One Shepherd |
Gary Cook,
Jerry Stayner,
Merrill Jenson,
Kieth Merrill,
Kieth Merrill,
Scott Swofford,
T. C. Christensen
Adapted to |
The Title of Liberty |
Short Story |
Reviewed in |
The Typology of the Exodus Pattern in the Book of Mormon |
Charles D. Tate Jr.
Criticism |
Reviewed in |
The Use of Revival Language in the Book of Mormon |
Mark Thomas
Criticism |
Adapted to |
The Waters of Mormon |
Robert H. Moss
Novel |
Adapted to |
Title of Liberty |
Robert H. Moss
Novel |
Translation in |
Trozos Selectos del Libro de Mormon |
Meliton Gonzalez Trejo,
Daniel Webster Jones
Scripture |
Adapted to |
Valiant Witness |
Robert H. Moss
Novel |
Adapted to |
[West Jordan 57th Ward Primary Book of Mormon Video Project] |
Terry Cunningham
Reviewed in |
What if the Book of Mormon Were a Novel--Which of Course it is Not |
Bruce W. Jorgensen
Criticism |
Adapted to |
Where have all the Nephites gone? |
Pat Bagley,
Pat Bagley