A secret kept since the Holy Birth will be revealed when two men, separated by two thousand years in time, search for a meaning greater than themselves. Both suffer from broken hearts, yearn to keep the women they love, and worry about their legacy. One, Sam Robertson, the world-famous host of CNTV's The Sam Robertson Report, will soon find that only a life-saving miracle can bring him the hope his sense of self-importance cannot offer.
The other man, battered by regrets as ancient as the biblical story in which he played a key role, once was an innkeeper—indeed, the very one who had rejected the parents of an infant destined to become immortalized as the Son of God in countless pageants and dramas. Now it's the innkeeper's charge to convey a vital message to the world, a message that has been kept hidden for two millennia
This secret, kept even from those who understand the stories of the Holy Birth and the Passion, was not so much a secret that must not be known, but, rather, something sacred, kept hidden for so long because of mankind's self-serving stubbornness
Now, Sam not only will Sam land the interview of a lifetime, but he'll win another chance at life and love. And Cleopas the Innkeeper will likewise gain a second opportunity to redeem his soul and clear his name as the most vilified innkeeper of all time. (publisher website)