—Something fell to the floor with a soft clunk. Margarette stared at the object in disbelief. Matthew moved closer, his eyes following hers. There on the rough planks lay a small black bag. He reached for it, and as Soren, Anna, and Jens crowded around, he released the cord that held it closed and gently shook the contents onto Margarette’s bunk. A glittering bracelet dropped onto a quilt square. All four adults gasped in astonishment. The metal chain appeared to be of inferior quality, but five large stones, each a different color, gleamed almost as though they were hungry to claim the small amount of light in the ship’s gloomy interior.—
Who had put the bracelet there, and why? Was it the frightened, beautiful woman who had snatched Margarette’s infant daughter, and then hastily returned her? Would the bracelet, and the handsome new convert, Matthew Holmes, prove to be the answer to her desperate prayers on her journey to join with the Saints in America?
In The Bracelet, best-selling author Jennie Hansen captivated and romanced readers with her story of intrigue and betrayal set in nineteenth-century England. The Emerald weaves a new riveting tale of the bracelet given in false love, now crafted anew and passed along to a desperate young woman. Will it be an additional burden for the young widow to carry, or is this heaven’s fortune smiling down on her in a time of dire need? [publisher's blurb]