Mason Keller has enough worries in his life without adding an amnesiac with a sexy British accent he and his two newly adopted children literally stumbled upon in the middle of a mountain road.
As a former counterterrorism agent, Mason is used to staring into the gaping maw of danger. But he's discovering his toughest mission is caring for two young children, orphaned four months earlier. He is doing his best to keep the children safe and to help them adjust to their new life in the U.S. They don't need the added complication of some Brit with a head injury who doesn't even know her own name, let alone how she came to be lying in a dirt road in the remote Uinta National Forest of Utah.
Mason doesn't know that his "Jane Doe" is actually Jane Withington, an interpreter for an international trade organization -- and that she is being pursued by terrorists after overhearing them plotting an attack using nerve gas stolen from the huge cache of biological and chemical weapons stored in the vast Utah desert. Jane doesn't know who she is or why she's so afraid. She only knows that with this gorgeous rancher and his sweet Filipino children she feels safe.
Together, she and Mason must uncover her secrets -- and the past they both unknowingly share -- before it's too late. [from author's web site]