Contents: A stranger's funeral / Donald A. Allan -- Rest camp on Maui / Eugene Burdick -- The grapefruit thinker / Maxwell Arnold -- A problem in creation / Richard K. Arnold -- Down the road a piece / Boris Ilyin -- Behold a pale horse / Rhoda LeCocq -- The fields of wheat / John A. Lynch -- The lady walks / Jean Powell -- The wounded / Clay Putman -- Where Teetee Wood lies cold and dead / Warren Chapman -- The city of the angels / Sue Davidson -- The searchers / Susan Kuehn -- The boats / Constance Crawford -- The death of Pierce / Sarah Fay -- About my sons / John Ferrone -- Our Felix / Edgar Rosenberg -- Back again / William S. Schuyler -- Night on Octavia Street / Jean Byers -- The hero's children / Edith Cory -- The undertow / Wesley Ford Davis -- No game for children / Miriam Merritt -- A camp in the meadow / Dennis Murphy -- Hey sailor, what ship? / Tillie Olsen -- Ol' Nick's wife / David Dow -- Night guard / Nancy Packer -- The gift / Peter Shrubb -- That time of year / Arthur Edelstein -- We know that your hearts are heavy / Merrill Joan Gerber -- Geraldine / Robert A. Stone.
This collection is included in the MLDB because of the Mormon connection of editors Stegner and Scowcroft and not for any Mormon content among the stories included.