"Who Are These Children?" is a novel based on the true story of the authors, Gena and Michael Calta. The book is a dramatic, yet tender portrayal of the experiences Gena and Michael have gone through since learning that their unborn son, Gregory, had contracted a debilitating condition, hydrocephalus, better known as
"water on the brain".
"Who Are These Children?" invites the reader into the very souls of these young, first-time parents. The reader battles with Gena and Michael as life's twisted fate forces them to make the heaviest decision of their lives. Do they accept the collective wisdom of the medical profession and TERMINATE THEIR PREGNANCY or bet on the side of their faltering hope and let their child live at the risk of a hollow existence? Their love fights against their fear and their despair against their faith. Betting on the side of hope, they continue on, but only to face a host of other complications and difficulties. In the midst of this unbearable turmoil, the characters are swept away into a dream, taking them back before the world was created to the Great War in heaven between the forces of good and evil. Gregory and a select few, known as the NOBLE ONES, are chosen to execute the final expulsion of Satan and his followers out of heaven. The reader will cringe at Satan's vile and vengeful threats to these NOBLE ONES, but marvel at the sacred blessings promised them by their Savior.
"Who Are These Children?" is a book for everyone who has ever had their faith tested to its very limit. This story is especially appropriate for those who have children or other loved ones with severe disabilities and for those who struggle with their own limitations. It is a book for people who wonder how ordinary families survive such extraordinary circumstance. "Who Are These Children?" is a book filled with the joy of overcoming and the joy of being. It is a story of hope's triumph over despair. It is a book for everyone and promises to lead us all through the darkness, which so easily can beset us.