Winter Quarters played an important part in the western migration of the Saints from Nauvoo. Those who participated in this migration, one of the largest in United States history, needed a way station when it became obvious that they would not make it to the Rocky Mountains before winter set in. What happened at Winter Quarters? Where was it located? Who lived there, who died there? How did the saints keep their courage and faith when their lives seemed so difficult, their trials many?
Author Conrey Bryson has painted a vivid picture of the Winter Quarters experience, using many excerpts from the diaries and journals of those who knew Winter Quarters best - the people who lived there. Many of them will be immediately recognizable, such as Brigham Young and Parley P. Pratt. Others may not be instantly known, such as Patty Bartlett Sessions, who was a midwife during the trek and assisted in the birth of President Ezra Taft Benson's grandfather while en route to Winter Quarters. Based on journals, diaries, papers, history books , provides a comprehensive look at this era in Church history. The author writes: "St. Louis has it's mighty Gateway Arch to herald it as the 'gateway to the beginning of the Sante Fe Trail. The Winter Quarters story needs to be recognized too. It's contributions were many, and it's rich history and even richer results should never be forgotten.